Why and how to settle within the Park

Urbanized industrial areas, traffic systems and modern industrial plants built in full compliance with environmental sustainability and energy-saving standards and innovative technological and IT networks. In addition, the security of a partner who acts as general contractor for the effective management of support services to industrial activities and is constantly engaged in the search for opportunities and resources for the competitive companies growth.

Reasons for settling within the Park

Thanks to the close geographical, strategic and operational relationship with the production base, Carnia Industrial Park, has been set up as the main interlocutor in support actions dedicated to the local industry development. A new approach towards an industrial park model, with environmentally friendly productive areas, where economies of agglomeration among manufacturing firms are generated, with establishment services and facility management and where innovative projects are developed, which are capable of attracting private and community resources.
Competitive advantages for companies who decide to settle within the Park

01. Strategic Position
A trans-border geographical area historically suited to the development of manufacturing. It is positioned at the crossroads of important transport routes with Europe, it borders with Austria and Slovenia and is easily accessible from major motorway links.
02. Multi-purpose, multi-service, urbanized and infrastructured area
Fully urbanized areas, equipped with all the indispensable infrastructure for production companies: industrial plants built in full compliance with environmental sustainability and energy-saving standards and requirements, photovoltaic systems, traffic and parking systems, technology networks (electricity network, telephone connection, water purification pant, inert waste management and disposal platform, industrial water network, white-water waste disposal management, public street lighting network) and IT services (Broadband, Cloud Computing services). Carnia Industrial Park also has a corporate Carpool service at disposal of the companies settled in the three industrial areas, based on Jojob platform.
03. Industrial Park and synergies with organisations and institutions
A network of relationships with other companies with whom to exchange experiences and know-how and contacts with organizations, institutions, universities and industry associations useful for business development. An approach inspired to 4.0 industry and Open Innovation models, which promotes innovation projects and co-development between companies, research groups and start-ups, through partnerships with organisations and local authorities, in order to distribute innovative products and processes in the manufacturing field.
04. Incentives for the establishment within the Park and Regional concessions bonuses and allowances
The regional industrial policies reform "RilancimpresaFVG" saw the creation of the FVG Investment Agency whose role is that of managing the incentives schemes for the setting-up of new firms. The main benefits relate to incentives to cover part of the investments for new establishments, the revolving fund for economic initiatives, the measures for the reduction of IRAP, the Development Fund which provides soft loans and other financial aid granted for the purchase of industrial equipment, for the development of the company's production line and for research and innovation.
05. Human Resources
Availability of qualified staff educated in the fields of technics, technology and applied sciences, with particular reference to mechanics, mechatronics and energy, electronics and electrical engineering, chemistry, materials and biotechnologies, wood technologies in construction; some have attended professional technical or economics schools with specialization in administration, finance, marketing; hospitality and foodservice management schools; others have degrees obtained at Udine and Trieste Universities.
06. Carnia Industrial Park web portal and real estate
Direct access to services through the web portal, which is a useful tool for quick and easy reference both for the companies operating within the Park and any external stakeholders. The " Companies established within the Park" section lists all the industrial, craft and commercial businesses operating within the Park. The portal also serves as a showcase for research, purchase, sale or rent of land and industrial properties in Carnia; finally, the "Social Park" is the innovative and dynamic news container for real-time social network updates from the companies located in the Park to the other players of the territory.
How to establish your company within the Park
The industrial areas management Directive dictates the settlement processes and lists the procedures for the sale or rental of industrial lots or production space.

Should you wish to receive information or learn about the availability of land or industrial areas please fill in the form. 

Towards the allocation: procedures and documents

1. Production area/space identification and notification
Notices are periodically publishes with regards to surveys of settlement needs or notices of land/space availability containing information about the location and the qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as well as the application procedure. The alert is posted on Carnia Industrial Park website for a minimum duration of 15 days, and on the official noticeboard of Amaro, Tolmezzo and Villa Santina municipalities.

2. Application for allocation and indication of interest
The indication of interest is formalized by filling out the application for the allocation. The application ought to be presented in the specified manner and within the indicated deadline, using and filling in all the attachments: application form; Company Sheet; production process technical data sheet.

3. Evaluation of applications/indications of interest
In order to create a list of priorities for the allocation and the evaluation of an investment plan, applications are evaluated by the following criteria: nature and type of industrial activity; company development and investment plans; increase in employment; environmental and landscape impact; technical, economic, bank and other references.

4. Area/production space allocation
The successful applicant is selected by the Director of Carnia Industrial Park within 30 days of the closing date for the submission of applications, following an assessment of all the requests which were submitted and after consultation with the heads of the relevant departments. The outcome of the tendering process is available on the website and the successful applicant is invited to finalize all the subsequent paperwork at the consortium headquarters, up to the signature of the sale or lease agreement.
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