Transparent administration

Transparent Administration

The Consortium of Local Economic Development of Tolmezzo, formerly known as Consortium for the Industrial Development of Tolmezzo, has been set up as an economic public body in accordance with the Regional Law n. 3 of 25th February 2015 "RilancimpresaFVG - Industrial policy reform". It was established in 1964 with the name of the Consortium for the Industrial Development of the Middle Tagliamento River.

The Statute was approved in the Consortium special session of 24th February 2016, pursuant to art. 67 of L.R. 3/2015, of which the notarial deed of Dr. Eligio Garelli, in the position of notary in Tolmezzo, Rep. 45,117 15,286 Collection of 2nd February 2016 - registered in Tolmezzo on 8th March 2016, n. 380, 1T series. The Consortium special session of 3rd April 2018, pursuant to art. 67 of L.R. 3/2015, approved the amendments to the Statute, of which the notarial deed of Dr. Eligio Garelli, Rep. 47.646 Collection 17.113 of 3rd April 2018 – registered in Tolmezzo on 6th April 2018, n. 563 1T series.

This section contains the documents, the information and the data (pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 33 of 03.14.2013 and subsequent amendments) concerning the reorganization of the law regarding the right of civic access to public government documents and the duties of the public administration concerning the advertising, transparency and dissemination of information and data.

Such data can be reused, under the conditions provided by the law regarding the reuse of public data (Legislative Decree no. 24th January 2006, 36 and subsequent amendments, Legislative Decree 7th March 2005, 82 and subsequent amendments, Reg.UE 2016/679), only for operations consistent with the purposes for which it was collected and recorded, and in compliance with the legislation on personal data protection.

The section is constantly updated.


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